USCGC Bramble


Suncap Incorporated


1944 - USCGC Bramble, Ice Breaker Class

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Still Spry @ 75 (Seventy Five)

She's on the move - left Port Huron on her way to Montreal

She, USCGC Brambel, served her country valiantly for decades. From the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to the Artic and Great Lakes no task was too big.

At the spry young age of 75 she will be heading out to retrace the steps she took as a teenager, 14. We wish her a smooth and safe journey!

Some say you would need to have ice running through her veins, see picture, to attempt this so I guess we can check that off. Our hopes and prayers are with her as she prepares for this epic journey and wish calm smooth seas ahead.

She will be departing from her birth in Port Huron in the next month or so to make her way to the gulf where she will under go a shipyard period to get her ready for her departure from Miami the later part of May.


Ice Breaking Sea Trials February 2019

Yes, her sea strainer is full of ICE!

Contact Information

Contact: Harald Sundal
Phone: 678-339-0546
Cellular: 678-557-3789

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Harald Sundal, Owner

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